Offering the very best
through thoughtful performance.

A dedicated PVMSC team strives to anticipate your every need.

Our beautiful surgery center was designed to make your time with us as tranquil and healing as possible. The attention to detail at PVMSC is extraordinary. Conceived to work on behalf of the human spirit to connect to our human nature, Paradise Valley Multi-Specialty Surgery Center is uniquely calming and attentive.

You are afforded the finest physicians, supported by well-developed medical teams that curate touch points to give you the very best surgical experience.

Download, review and complete the day of surgery forms in advance of arriving at Paradise Valley Multi-Specialty Surgery Center. Please print and bring with you on the day of your scheduled surgery.

Day of Surgery Forms


  • Patient Rights & Responsibilities
  • Statement of Limitation Regarding Advance Directives
  • Patient Medication History
  • Acknowledgement of Requirement for Responsible Adult to Remain on Premises
  • Patient Communication Preferences Regarding PHI
  • Patient Health History

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Prepare and Bring to Surgery:


  • Health Insurance Card
  • Government Issued Photo Identification
  • Completed Day of Surgery Forms
  • Payment Responsibility

What to Expect on Your Day of Surgery


Arrive at the time specified by your doctor. After check-in, we will ask you to complete admission forms, show your picture ID, and sign the surgery consent. We will ask for your health insurance card and any payment that is your responsibility.

Surgery Preparation

One of our nurses will provide you a surgical gown and socks to change into, and place a surgical ID on your wrist. Together you will review your medical history, medications and supplements. Your anesthesiologist will access your vital signs, lab results or tests, and ask more details about your health history, medications and experience with anesthesia. The assessment will determine the appropriate anesthesia for your procedure. Keeping you safe, comfortable and pain-free before, during and after surgery is our goal.


We are dedicated to your comfort and safety. When you first arrive in the surgery suite, the lights will seem bright and the temperature cool. Your nurse will be close at hand for an extra warm blanket and to answer questions. While you are in surgery, we will keep the person waiting for you informed about your progress.

After Surgery

You will be moved to a recovery room, monitored by a post-operative nurse and given medications for pain relief. Recovery time varies by patient and procedure, and usually last one hour. We will go over discharge instructions with you and your companion.

At Home

You will continue to feel the residual effects of anesthesia for 24 hours. Rest under the observation of a responsible adult who can follow up on discharge instructions and monitor your progress. If you experience any complications or adverse side effects, contact your doctor or call 911. Continue to rest until you are fully recovered. Follow your doctor’s instructions for return to routines.

Financial Information

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Billing Policy

Your Health Insurance: As a courtesy to you as our patient, we will bill your insurance company. Please realize, though, that your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. PVMSC is not a party to that contract. Any required co-payments, deductibles or non-covered services are beyond our control, and will be your responsibility.

We do accept payment forms from all insurance companies. Your insurer may or may not pay all charges. If you have questions about your coverage, contact your employer or insurance company. Please call our business office if you have questions about our fees, the level of benefits your insurance provides for your procedure, and your financial responsibility.

All charges associated with your surgical care are your responsibility. After your insurance has remitted payment to us, you may be responsible for any balance unpaid by your insurer. We accept cash, personal checks, debit and credit cards through MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover.

Contact us prior to your surgery to discuss your health care benefits and any financial responsibilities.

Understanding Your Charges

PVMSC Billing: You will receive a bill from PVMSC to cover the facility, staff and equipment costs used to provide your care. Direct all questions to the business office.

Physician Billing: You will receive a separate bill from your surgeon. Direct questions about the surgeon’s bill to that physician’s office.

Anesthesiologist Billing: You will receive a separate bill if anesthesia is administered.

Other Potential Charges: You may receive separate bills for laboratory or other services associated your care, and not performed at PVMSC. Direct questions about these charges to the specific billing group or physician.